Results for 'William E. Snowden'

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  1.  25
    High-temperature deformation of polycrystalline magnesium oxide.William E. Snowden & Joseph A. Pask - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (3):441-455.
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  2. Whistleblowing as civil disobedience.William E. Scheuerman - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (7):609-628.
    The media hoop-la about Edward Snowden has obscured a less flashy yet more vital – and philosophically relevant – part of the story, namely the moral and political seriousness with which he acted to make the hitherto covert scope and scale of NSA surveillance public knowledge. Here I argue that we should interpret Snowden’s actions as meeting most of the demanding tests outlined in sophisticated political thinking about civil disobedience. Like Thoreau, Gandhi, King and countless other (forgotten) grass-roots (...)
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    What Edward Snowden can teach theorists of conscientious law-breaking.William E. Scheuerman - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):958-964.
    The article recalls the triple-pronged normative structure of familiar liberal democratic theorists of civil disobedience, who argued that conscientious law-breaking should rest on political, moral and legal claims. In opposition to a certain tendency among recent theoreticians of civil disobedience to reduce this complex multi-pronged normativity to one or two prongs, I use the case of Edward Snowden’s whistle-blowing to illustrate and defend the triple-pronged approach. In particular, any sound as well as effective model of civil disobedience needs to (...)
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    Edward Snowden: desobediencia civil para una era de vigilancia total.William E. Scheuerman - 2014 - Signos Filosóficos 16 (32):153-186.
    Este artículo es un intento de dilucidación y delimitación historiográfico-conceptual que pretende aportar un enfoque alternativo a los estudios sobre la teoría política realista. Mi propósito es presentar un bosquejo del sentido histórico del concepto de realismo político situándolo en los contextos de la Realpolitik alemana y de la escuela realista de las relaciones internacionales. De este modo, pretendo mostrar las relaciones contextuales del realismo político, la localización de su antagonismo con el liberalismo y la invención retrospectiva de una tradición (...)
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    Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming.William E. Connolly - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    In _Facing the Planetary_ William E. Connolly expands his influential work on the politics of pluralization, capitalism, fragility, and secularism to address the complexities of climate change and to complicate notions of the Anthropocene. Focusing on planetary processes—including the ocean conveyor, glacier flows, tectonic plates, and species evolution—he combines a critical understanding of capitalism with an appreciation of how such nonhuman systems periodically change on their own. Drawing upon scientists and intellectuals such as Lynn Margulis, Michael Benton, Alfred North (...)
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    The Fragility of Things: Self-Organizing Processes, Neoliberal Fantasies, and Democratic Activism.William E. Connolly - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Fragility of Things_, eminent theorist William E. Connolly focuses on several self-organizing ecologies that help to constitute our world. These interacting geological, biological, and climate systems, some of which harbor creative capacities, are depreciated by that brand of neoliberalism that confines self-organization to economic markets and equates the latter with impersonal rationality. Neoliberal practice thus fails to address the fragilities it exacerbates. Engaging a diverse range of thinkers, from Friedrich Hayek, Michel Foucault, Hesiod, and Immanuel Kant to (...)
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    William Whewell's Theory of Scientific Method.William Whewell & Robert E. Butts - 1968 - [Pittsburgh] : University of Pittsburgh Press.
    William Whewell is considered one of the most important nineteenth-century British philosophers of science and a contributor to modern philosophical thought, particularly regarding the problem of induction and the logic of discovery. In this volume, Robert E. Butts offers selections from Whewell's most important writings, and analysis of counter-claims to his philosophy.
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    Why I Am Not a Secularist.William E. Connolly - 1999 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    But in Why I Am Not a Secularist, distinguished political theorist William E. Connolly argues that secularism, although admirable in its pursuit of freedom and diversity, too often undercuts these goals through its narrow and intolerant ...
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    9 “The Center Cannot Hold” A Response to Benedict Kingsbury.William E. Scheuerman - 2022 - In Melissa S. Williams (ed.), Moral Universalism and Pluralism: Nomos Xlix. New York University Press. pp. 205-218.
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    Effects of materiality, risk, and ethical perceptions on fraudulent reporting by financial executives.William E. Shafer - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (3):243 - 262.
    This paper examines fraudulent financial reporting within the context of Jones' (1991) ethical decision making model. It was hypothesized that quantitative materiality would influence judgments of the ethical acceptability of fraud, and that both materiality and financial risk would affect the likelihood of committing fraud. The results, based on a study of CPAs employed as senior executives, provide partial support for the hypotheses. Contrary to expectations, quantitative materiality did not influence ethical judgments. ANCOVA results based on participants' estimates of the (...)
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  11. Rationality and the Ends of Humean Action.William E. Young - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    Philosophical tradition sharply distinguishes the conditions under which belief and action are reasonable. This dissertation examines one attempt to sustain this division, namely, the Humean analysis of practical reasons. The Humean analysis divides practical reasons into end and means. The former concerns what one should pursue as goal. The latter, what one should do to realize one's ends. Humeans argue that end reasons are not subject to the conditions of reasonable belief. Since end reasons pick out what has value for (...)
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    A world of becoming.William E. Connolly - 2011 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    Complexity, agency, and time -- The vicissitudes of experience -- Belief, spirituality, and time -- The human predicament -- Capital flows, sovereign decisions, and world resonance machines -- The theorist and the seer.
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    An Investigator/Defendant Corrects the Record.William E. Woodward - 1979 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 1 (5):10.
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    The End of Law: Carl Schmitt in the Twenty-First Century.William E. Scheuerman - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Scholarly and political interest in the controversial 20th Century German thinker Carl Schmitt has exploded in the last twenty years. This volume, focusing directly on Schmitt’s complex ideas about law, situates his views within broader debates about the rule of law and its fate, taking seriously his Nazi-era political and legal writings.
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    Recent Theories of Civil Disobedience: An Anti‐Legal Turn?William E. Scheuerman - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 23 (4):427-449.
  16. (1 other version)A pathological view of disease.William E. Stempsey - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (4):321-330.
    This paper is a response to Christopher Boorse's recent defense of hisBiostatistical Theory (BST) of health and disease. Boorse maintains that hisconcept of theoretical health and disease reflects the ``consideredusage of pathologists.'' I argue that pathologists do not use ``disease'' inthe purely theoretical way that is required by the BST. Pathology does notdraw a sharp distinction between theoretical and practical aspects ofmedicine. Pathology does not even need a theoretical concept of disease. Itsfocus is not theoretical, but practical; pathology's goal is (...)
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    Between the Norm and the Exception: The Frankfurt School and the Rule of Law.William E. Scheuerman - 1997 - MIT Press.
    " -- Seyla Benhabib, Harvard University "Winner, 1996 Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize for the best book on liberal and democratic theory, Conference for the Study of Political Thought.
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  18. Real patterns and surface metaphysics.William E. Seager - 2000 - In Don Ross, Andrew Brook & David Thompson (eds.), Dennett’s Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 95--129.
    Naturalism is supposed to be a Good Thing. So good in fact that everybody wants to be a naturalist, no matter what their views might be1. Thus there is some confusion about what, exactly, naturalism is. In what follows, I am going to be pretty much, though not exclusively, concerned with the topics of intentionality and consciousness, which only deepens the confusion for these are two areas.
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  19. Representational theories of consciousness, parts I and II.William E. Seager - 1999 - In William Seager (ed.), Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
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    On market-inspired approaches to propositional satisfiability.William E. Walsh, Makoto Yokoo, Katsutoshi Hirayama & Michael P. Wellman - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 144 (1-2):125-156.
  21.  90
    A cold look at HOT theory.William E. Seager - 2004 - In Rocco J. Gennaro (ed.), Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness: An Anthology. John Benjamins.
  22.  29
    Pluralism.William E. Connolly - 2005 - Duke University Press.
    Over the past two decades, the renowned political theorist William E. Connolly has developed a powerful theory of pluralism as the basis of a territorial politics. In this concise volume, Connolly launches a new defense of pluralism, contending that it has a renewed relevance in light of pressing global and national concerns, including the war in Iraq, the movement for a Palestinian state, and the fight for gay and lesbian rights. Connolly contends that deep, multidimensional pluralism is the best (...)
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  23. Values and the Perceived Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility: The U.S. versus China.William E. Shafer, Kyoko Fukukawa & Grace Meina Lee - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (3):265-284.
    This study examines the effects of nationality (U.S. vs. China) and personal values on managers’ responses to the Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility (PRESOR) scale. Evidence that China’s transition to a socialist market economy has led to widespread business corruption, led us to hypothesize that People’s Republic of China (PRC) managers would believe less strongly in the importance of ethical and socially responsible business conduct. We also hypothesized that after controlling for national differences, managers’ personal values (more specifically, (...)
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  24. Ethical pressure, organizational-professional conflict, and related work outcomes among management accountants.William E. Shafer - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (3):263 - 275.
    This study examines the effects of ethical pressure on management accountants' perceptions of organizational-professional conflict, and related work outcomes. It was hypothesized that organizational pressure to engage in unethical behavior would increase perceived organizational-professional conflict, and that this perceived conflict would reduce organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and increase the likelihood of employee turnover. A survey was mailed to a random sample of Certified Management Accountants to assess perceptions of the relevant variables. The results of a structural equations model indicated (...)
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  25.  68
    A critique of pure politics.William E. Connolly - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (5):1-26.
    This essay examines lines of connection between disgust, the effect of disciplines upon such intensive appraisals, political action, and the shape of ethical responsiveness. Philosophies that espouse purity in moral ity or politics mask these lines of connection; they thereby disparage the sig nificance of techniques of the self to ethical and political life. Immanuel Kant and Hannah Arendt provide the two main figures through whom these themes are explored. Arendt and Kant are brought into relation with each other through (...)
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  26. Review Essay: Global Governance without Global Government? Habermas on Postnational Democracy.William E. Scheuerman - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (1):133-151.
  27. Dennett, part I and II.William E. Seager - 1999 - In William Seager (ed.), Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
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    Catholic bioethics and the gift of human life.William E. May - 2008 - Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor.
    What the Church teaches and why on issues of euthanasia, invitro fertilization, genetic counseling, assisted suicide, living wills, persistent vegetative state, organ transplants, and more.
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  29. The constructed and the secret self.William E. Seager - 2001 - In Andrew Brook & Richard Devidi (eds.), Self-Reference Amd Self-Awareness, Advances in Consciousness Research Volume 11. John Benjamins.
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    Human Dignity: What and Whence?William E. May - 1987 - Ethics and Medics 12 (11):3-4.
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    Machiavellianism, social norms, and taxpayer compliance.William E. Shafer & Zhihong Wang - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):42-55.
    This study is the first to examine the relationships among Machiavellianism, social norms and taxpayer intentions to fraudulently overstate their deductions. We theorize and empirically document that high Machiavellian taxpayers report significantly less ethical social norms, suggesting that reported social norms are influenced by cognitive biases such as social projection and Machiavellian cynicism; reported social norms are, in general, significantly associated with tax evasion intentions; social norms partially mediate the relationship between Machiavellianism and evasion intentions. Our findings imply that experimental (...)
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    Human Sexuality.William E. May - 1995 - Ethics and Medics 20 (10):1-2.
  33.  39
    Democracy, pluralism and political theory.William E. Connolly - 2007 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Samuel Allen Chambers & Terrell Carver.
    William E. Connolly’s writings have pushed the leading edge of political theory, first in North America and then in Europe as well, for more than two decades now. This book draws on his numerous influential books and articles to provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of his significant contribution to the field of political theory. The book focuses in particular on three key areas of his thinking: Democracy: his work in democratic theory - through his critical challenges to the (...)
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    The Augustinian Imperative: A Reflection on the Politics of Morality.William E. Connolly - 1993 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing support from Nietzsche and Foucault, Connolly argues that the Augustinian Imperative contains unethical implications: its carriers too often convert living signs that threaten their ontological self-confidence into modes of otherness to be condemned, punished, or converted in order to restore that confidence. With a lucidity and rhetorical power that makes it readily accessible, The Augustinian Imperative examines Augustine's enactment of the Imperative, explores alternative ethico-political orientations, and subsequently reveals much about the politics of morality in the modern age.
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  35. Beyond Good and Evil.William E. Connolly - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (3):365-389.
    To be ashamed of one's immorality—that is a step on the staircase at whose end one is also ashamed of one's morality. Friedrich Nietzsche.
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    6. God's Freedom, Human Freedom, and God's Responsibility for Sin.William E. Mann - 1988 - In Thomas V. Morris (ed.), Divine and Human Action: Essays in the Metaphysics of Theism. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 182-210.
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  37. Disjunctive laws and supervenience.William E. Seager - 1991 - Analysis 51 (2):93-98.
  38.  24
    The associability of CVC pairs.William E. Montague & Harold O. Kiess - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (2p2):1.
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    Jephthah's plight: Moral dilemmas and theism.William E. Mann - 1991 - Philosophical Perspectives 5:617-647.
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    Critical Response I - The Complexity of Intention.William E. Connolly - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (4):791-798.
    Ruth Leys starts with accounts that reduce emotion to a few simple states and emphasize the degree to which it is genetically wired. She then argues that other cultural theorists who emphasize the role of affect are driven in this direction, too, even when they wish to avoid such a trajectory. Much of the argument revolves around the charge of “anti-intentionalism” against us. Because of limitations of space, my response concentrates on my own thinking in this domain, though I suggest (...)
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  41. Rosenberg, reducibility and consciousness.William E. Seager - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Rosenberg’s general argumentative strategy in favour of panpsychism is an extension of a traditional pattern. Although his argument is complex and intricate, I think a model that is historically significant and fundamentally similar to the position Rosenberg advances might help us understand the case for panpsychism. Thus I want to begin by considering a Leibnizian argument for panpsychism.
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  42.  50
    Rethinking Crisis Government.William E. Scheuerman - 2002 - Constellations 9 (4):492-505.
  43. The Visual Role of Objects' Facing Surfaces.William E. S. Mcneill - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (2):411-431.
    It is often assumed that when we see common opaque objects in standard light this is in virtue of seeing their facing surfaces. Here I argue that we should reject that claim. Either we don't see objects' facing surfaces, or—if we hold on to the claim that we do see such things—it is at least not in virtue of seeing them that we see common opaque objects. I end by showing how this conclusion squares both with our intuitions and with (...)
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    The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes.William E. Mann - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (2):442.
  45.  42
    Competency to Be Sentenced and Executed.William E. MacLean & Mark J. Watt - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (1):35-41.
  46. A note on emotion statements.William E. Lyons - 1973 - Ratio (Misc.) 15 (June):132-135.
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    The Serial Killer was (Cognitively) Framed.William E. Deal - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & S. Waller (eds.), Serial Killers ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 153–165.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Serial Killers, Real and Imagined Dexter Gacy Are Serial Killers Morally Responsible? Moral Responsibility: Emotions and Cognitive Frames.
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    Believing Where We Cannot Prove.William E. Mann - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:59-68.
    In the Prologue to his Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, John Duns Scotus considered five arguments for the claim that humans, equipped only with their native intellectual capacities, would be incapable of discovering the truths most important for their salvation. Scotus endorsed three of the arguments,regarding them as ‘more probable’ than the other two. I shall not attempt detailed analyses of the arguments. Rather, my purpose is to embed the arguments in a more general picture of the epistemology (...)
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  49.  32
    Immutability and Predication: What Aristotle Taught Philo and Augustine.William E. Mann - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 22 (1/2):21 - 39.
  50.  17
    Anton Wilhelm Amo.William E. Abraham - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu (ed.), A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 191-99.
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